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Exploration of the application of whey protein in aerospace food

May 23, 2024

Whey protein is a type of protein obtained from whey through special concentration, refinement, and extraction processes. Compared with other proteins, whey protein not only has high biological value, high protein efficacy ratio and high utilization rate, but also has excellent processing characteristics such as emulsification, water retention and gel property. With the continuous progress of dairy production industry technology and the in-depth study of whey protein composition and its function, whey protein has gradually become an important raw material and additive for functional, nutritional and health food and food for special medical purposes.

Applying whey protein to aerospace food can significantly improve the protein digestion and absorption rate, supplement calcium, prevent muscle atrophy, enhance antioxidant effects, and enhance the body's immune system, meeting the nutritional and absorption characteristics requirements of aerospace food.


Classification of whey proteins and their products

Whey is the product of casein in cow's milk that is coagulated by acid or rennet. According to the different cheese processing techniques, whey protein can be divided into sour whey and sweet whey; According to their tolerance to temperature, whey proteins are divided into heat stable whey proteins and heat unstable whey proteins.
At present, whey protein products mainly include whey concentrate protein (WPC), whey isolate protein (WPI), and hydrolyzed whey protein.

According to the different protein content, whey concentrate protein is divided into WPC-34 WPC-50, WPC-75, and WPC-80. WPI is a high-purity whey protein with a protein content greater than 90%. Hydrolyzed whey protein has many physiological functions due to the presence of various bioactive peptides.


Nutrition of whey protein

1. Composition and function of whey protein

Whey protein contains all 20 amino acids that make up proteins, as well as various proteins and peptides with unique biological activities; Meanwhile, whey protein has low levels of sodium and cholesterol, while minerals, especially calcium, are high, making it one of the most comprehensive natural protein supplements available.
In addition to its advantages in composition, whey protein, after digestion and absorption, produces some protein fragments and peptides with biological activity and function, which provides a broader space for the application research of whey protein.

2. Amino acid composition and function of whey protein

Whey protein contains 8 essential amino acids required by the human body, and its amino acid composition pattern is very similar to that of the human body, making it easier to digest and absorb, with extremely high bioavailability.
The amino acid composition of whey protein has the following characteristics:
① The content of branched chain amino acids such as leucine, isoleucine, and valine is abundant. They are not only one of the precursor substances for synthesizing glutamate, but also can provide energy as energy substances.
② Cysteine, methionine, and other sulfur-containing amino acids are abundant and can effectively maintain the level of glutathione (GSH) in the body, exerting antioxidant effects.
③ It is an excellent source of threonine, which can promote the synthesis of intestinal mucin and protect intestinal cells and the intestinal barrier.
④ Containing a large amount of lysine and arginine, it can stimulate the secretion and release of metabolic hormones or muscle growth factors, promote muscle growth and maintain muscle health.
2.1 Threonine and intestinal health
Threonine accounts for over 30% of the amino acid composition of human intestinal mucin, and plays an important role in human intestinal health.
More than 60% of dietary threonine can be absorbed by the human intestine to synthesize intestinal mucin, thereby protecting intestinal cells and enhancing the continuity of the intestinal barrier; Lack of threonine can affect the synthesis of intestinal mucin and reduce intestinal barrier function.
2.2 Sulfur-containing amino acids, branched chain amino acids and the antioxidant system of the body
Whey protein is a good food source for sulfur-containing amino acids (cysteine, methionine). Firstly, sulfur-containing amino acids are important precursors for the synthesis of GSH and taurine.
GSH plays a crucial role in free radical scavenging and immune response in the body, and is an important component of the body's antioxidant system; GSH. Taurine, as an important antioxidant, has antioxidant effects such as inhibiting lipid peroxidation.
Secondly, cysteine is an effective supplement to the body's GSH, and whey protein hydrolysates can significantly increase the level of GSH in prostate epithelial cells. Through the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of GSH, the occurrence of diseases closely related to the body's oxidative status can be avoided or reduced.
2.3 Branched chain amino acids (leucine) and muscle tissue health
Whey protein is also a good food source for branched chain amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, valine). Branched chain amino acids are one of the precursor substances for the synthesis of glutamate salts necessary for GSH.
Branched chain amino acids, especially leucine, account for approximately 26% of the total whey protein. Leucine is not only an important raw material for skeletal muscle protein synthesis, but also a stimulus for regulating the metabolic pathway of skeletal muscle protein synthesis.

Meanwhile, leucine and its oxidative metabolites can also inhibit the activity of protein hydrolases and reduce the rate of muscle protein breakdown. Supplementing whey protein significantly reduces the probability of skeletal muscle atrophy.


Exploration of the application of whey protein in aerospace food

1. Characteristics of aerospace food

Aerospace food is a type of food developed for special aerospace environments. Firstly, safety and edible requirements should be strictly met. In the space environment, astronauts and all objects in the cabin are in a low pressure and weightless state, with limited space for movement, and most of the food on land is meaningless.
Therefore, aerospace food should be able to pass strict simulation flight tests, ensuring the safety of astronauts while effectively overcoming adverse environmental factors such as vibration, radiation, and low pressure. It should also have the characteristics of small size, light weight, easy portability, and simple consumption methods, which can fully guarantee the development of space missions; Secondly, aerospace food should have good nutritional protection. The aerospace environment can cause many irreversible damage to human bodies. From a nutritional perspective, aerospace food should have higher nutritional value.

2. The impact of aerospace environment on human body

2.1 Bone loss and osteoporosis.
Bone loss is one of the most common symptoms that astronauts experience in space and after returning, with astronauts experiencing osteoporosis earlier or more easily. Therefore, supplementing sufficient high-quality calcium and Vitamin D in the diet is particularly important for the skeletal health of astronauts.
2.2 Muscle atrophy.
The aerospace environment can cause changes in the structure and function of human skeletal muscles, such as decreased muscle mass, susceptibility to fatigue, and decreased ability to exercise autonomously. Therefore, timely supplementation of high-quality protein for astronauts is of great significance for the prevention and treatment of muscle loss in astronauts.
2.3 Weight loss.
Weight loss is mainly due to insufficient energy intake by astronauts. At the same time, insufficient energy intake is not conducive to the adaptation process of astronauts after returning to the ground, and may even cause permanent damage to the body.
④ Aerospace metabolic disease.
The aerospace environment has an impact on the metabolism of energy, proteins, lipids, sugars, and vitamins in the body, leading to cardiovascular dysfunction, water and electrolyte imbalance, decreased red blood cell count, and iron deficiency anemia.
⑤ Dysfunction of gut microbiota and disruption of microecology.
In the space environment, the gut microbiota of astronauts undergoes changes, leading to a decrease in the number of beneficial bacteria and a significant proliferation of harmful bacteria, resulting in changes in gastrointestinal function.
Extreme harsh environments such as space weightlessness, high vacuum, large temperature fluctuations, and high-energy radiation can have varying degrees of impact on the immune function and nervous system regulation of astronauts, and even cause permanent damage that is difficult to recover.

3. Types of aerospace food

According to different processing and storage methods, aerospace food can be divided into rehydrated food, fresh food, canned food, one bite food, and functional food.
Rehydrated food has fast rehydration, minimal loss of nutrients, and easy weight preservation. However, the rehydration process is complex, with significant food residues, resulting in poor taste and taste after rehydration;
Fresh food has a normal water content and can provide the necessary vitamins and water for the human body in a timely manner, allowing astronauts to better adapt to the space environment and life, with a good taste. But fresh food is usually heavy and difficult to store;
Canned food is durable and easy to carry, but the product has high viscosity and high sugar and salt content;
One bite food is a square shaped compressed food with a volume of only one bite. It has a clear amount of calories per serving, and is more commonly found in bread, cookies, etc. Its consumption method is simple, small in size, light in weight, space saving, and convenient to carry. However, its water content is low, and its flavor is not ideal.
Functional food is a product developed for special aerospace environments. By adding health functional factors, it enhances the immune system of astronauts, reduces and prevents foreseeable and unforeseeable injuries and diseases caused by special environments such as radiation and weightlessness.

4. The significance of whey protein application in aerospace food

Mantou is one of the most important traditional staple foods for Chinese people. Its soft taste, easy to digest and absorb, is widely accepted by the public.
However, the traditional staple food, Mantou, is mainly made from wheat flour, and the ingredients are relatively simple. In order to improve the astronauts' adaptability to the space environment, reduce the negative impact of the space environment on the human body, and ensure the astronauts' nutrition and health, a certain amount of whey protein powder can be added to Mantou, supplemented with a certain proportion of cheese and tartary buckwheat powder, to produce a "one mouthful" nutrition enhanced Mantou product with rich fermentation flavor and no residue dropping, which can not only provide rich and easily absorbed protein, high-quality calcium, appropriate calcium phosphorus ratio, and vitamin D, but also can significantly improve the protein digestibility of the product, enhance the antioxidant effect, and hypoglycemic effect of the product through specific base powder, to meet the requirements of space food Requirements for nutrition and absorption characteristics.
It can also meet the needs of aerospace food for strengthening the flavor of staple food, eating safety and convenience through the application of mixed starter, the excavation of anti melting properties of cheese and the improvement of anti-aging properties of Mantou, which can provide more delicious and nutritious staple food products for astronauts.
4.1 Whey protein supplementation for high-quality milk calcium
Every 100g of whey protein can provide 500-800mg of calcium. Calcium is essential for human skeletal health, nerve conduction, muscle contraction, and other physiological functions. Milk derived calcium is currently known as the best biologically available calcium. The calcium in whey protein is of high quality, easy to absorb, and cost-effective, making it an excellent choice as a calcium supplement for aerospace food. The addition of whey protein can effectively prevent and accelerate the recovery of osteoporosis caused by weightlessness and bone loss in astronauts.
4.2 Whey protein promotes muscle synthesis
The protein content of whey protein isolate (WPI) is greater than 90%, with a more complete protein structure, fast digestion and absorption, and high utilization rate; WPI contains high concentrations of essential amino acids (45% to 55%), especially leucine, which is a key regulatory factor in the transcriptional initiation pathway of muscle protein synthesis. Its content is abundant, reaching 14%. Both human and animal experiments have confirmed that supplementing WPI can improve body components, increase muscle weight, promote muscle synthesis, and effectively prevent muscle atrophy.
WPI contains about four times more cysteine than other protein products such as casein and soy protein. When there is sufficient cysteine or cysteine in the blood, the liver decomposes it into sulfates and protons, reducing the generation of urine nitrogen. The systemic nitrogen treatment mechanism shifts to maintain the muscle's amino acid pool to promote muscle synthesis.
4.3 The antioxidant effect of whey protein
Whey protein isolate is rich in cysteine (Cys), Cys is a precursor of the common antioxidant glutathione (GSH) in the human body and a rate limiting amino acid for glutathione synthesis. The antioxidant effect of whey protein isolate is mainly achieved by regulating the conversion between intracellular cysteine and glutathione, and the antioxidant effect of glutathione molecules is achieved through its thiol group (- SH).
Reducing sulfur groups can bind with free radicals in the body and convert them into easily metabolized acidic substances, thereby accelerating the clearance of free radicals in the body; It can also protect the activity of enzymes containing sulfur groups in cells, preventing enzyme denaturation caused by sulfur oxidation; Reducing sulfur groups also participate in many important redox reactions in the body.
4.4 Whey protein enhances the body's immunity
Whey protein contains various active substances, such as lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, immunoglobulin, etc., all of which have antibacterial, antiviral, and immunomodulatory effects; In addition, some proteins can also exert antiviral effects after chemical modification or enzymatic hydrolysis. Whey protein and its enzymatic products have regulatory effects on the functions of various immune cells.
Glutamine (Gln) is an important substrate for lymphocytes and macrophages in the immune response process. Whey protein contains a large amount of glutamine precursor substances such as glutamic acid. Supplementing whey protein can not only provide energy for muscles, but also provide raw materials for glutamine synthesis, maintain glutamine levels, and protect immune cells.
Lactoferrin has a significant inhibitory effect on Gram negative and positive bacteria that require iron. It has a significant regulatory and stimulating effect on the generation of bone marrow cells, complement system, inflammatory response, lysozyme regeneration, immune enhancement, and improvement of the body's disease resistance. The lactoperoxidase system (LPS) composed of lactoperoxidase and thiocyanate (SCN -) has a significant bactericidal effect and can significantly enhance the body's immunity.


Whey protein (WP) is a complex of soluble protein components extracted from milk. It not only has a similar amino acid composition to human needs, high digestion and absorption rate, but also contains a large amount of bioactive substances.
Whey protein has the function of improving body components, promoting rapid muscle recovery, enhancing immunity, reducing and preventing foreseeable and unforeseeable injuries and diseases caused to astronauts by radiation and weightlessness, and improving astronaut health. It is one of the most effective nutritional supplements that can be selected for aerospace food.
Especially whey protein isolate (WPI) with a high-quality protein concentration of ≥ 90% is also popular in sports nutrition, health foods, and special medical use foods, and has become a universal nutritional and health ingredient.
At the same time, whey protein has various excellent processing properties such as gelatinization, thermal stability, solubility, water holding water absorption, adhesion, elasticity, foaming and emulsifying stability, which are the basis and conditions for adding whey protein to many foods.

Combining whey protein powder with other nutrients to make Mantou, which is not only beneficial to the nutrition and health of astronauts, but also an important direction of whey protein application.

Shaanxi Huike Botanical Development Co., Ltd. a integrated enterprise which is focus on natural products, Plant extract related products and services.We mainly focus on pharmaceutical, functional food, Freeze-dried powder,Natural Pigment,Homology of medicine and food,beverages and other business services.
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